Western Water AR

The Western Water Augmented Reality Tool was built in partnership with Guava Insights. Through spatially accurate 3D modelling and alignment, the project served as an enhanced Site Visitation Tool (SVT), promoting innovative learning about infrastructure and making it easier to identify issues and maintain equipment.


Date: Jun - Aug 2018

Company: PHORIA


Unity, C#, Interactivity, AR, ARKit, ARCore, UI, Image Tracking, Cloud Anchors, Real-World Alignment, iOS, Android, AppStore, Build Pipeline

I lead the technical development of the project working alongside internal and external stakeholders to deliver a proof of concept augmented reality tool for separate two water pump sites in the Melbourne area.

The key technologies used include Unity 3D,  C#, Visual Studio Community 2019, ARCore Image Tracking and Google Cloud Anchors

Core components of my work were: